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I have another question

Postby Questioner » Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:09 am

What happens if someone were to make a clone of you?
Would they get thier own souls.

What if you were disentergrated then brought back somewhere else,would your soul be thier as well?

Edit:Whoops,meant to post this in another topic.
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Re: I have another question

Postby LordArt » Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:56 am

Questioner wrote:What happens if someone were to make a clone of you?
Would they get thier own souls.

I presume you mean a clone of your physical body. If that is the case, then another soul would end up occupying the clone, it wouldn't split your own soul. Look at biological identical twins (nature's own version of cloning). In most cases, the individuals of the twins are dramatically different personality wise.

What if you were disentergrated then brought back somewhere else,would your soul be thier as well?

That depends on a lot of other factors.

How long was it from disintegration to reconstruction? (Are you reincarnated elsewhere by then? Do you even want to come back? Are you being forced to come back?) Also, is the reconstruction anywhere near the disintegration? (If not, how would you expect your spirit to find your body? Is there anything it can follow from the astral side of things?) Was the disintegration volentary or traumatic? (ie. as a soul are you so completely stressed you don't even notice that there is another body waiting for you. Many freshly dead people from my experience don't even realize they are dead for weeks sometimes. They just think they are dreaming.) I'm not going to even get into the grey area about such a thing politically.

I also think it has a lot to do with the reconstruction process to be honest. There is an astral/physical link/overlay. If that isn't recreated during the reconstruction, you'll have a FAR harder time getting back in, even if you are ready to come back. Life comes from other life, and can use that overlay as a base point, versus making NEW life, which you are inferring by having a body reconstructed. I think if the body was reconstructed by manipulating an already existing living sequence, you might not have dibbs on that new body, since it wasn't 100% you (ie. it was altered to be you). If you are talking about star trek style beaming, then the assumption is that it is transporting energy (so there is something for the soul to follow), and honestly they would have to understand dimentional physics better than what is understood now and might be able to recreate the overlay that I mentioned as a matter of course, or depending on how they are moving the matter, it might just move the overlay with it. Digitizing/destruction then recreation I don't think would work, unless you digitized more than just the biology.

I would still say that there would be no difininitive answer really how it would happen all the time. There are too many variables.
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