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Hello..? May I come in and join here ?

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Hello..? May I come in and join here ?

Postby David » Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:51 pm

Hello :)
My Name is David and I'm 17

I totally have no idea about omnimancy. What I know, the only thing is about using will power to feed energy, similar to law of attraction. I guess so.

Really, I'm totally nubz here. I have no idea what you guys talking about out there. I'm introduced by my friend, not sure. I guess known as Casper, if not, should be notagh or Levus Demends. Gaah..I've short term memories lost. Don't blame me :lol: I still even forgetting my own friends

I would like to take thing easy. I definitely need a mentor here, or a teacher, to guide me to the path of omnimancy. I also interested about chaos and sigil magic, just tend to ignoring them and resulting never learning :-(

Hope I'm welcome here, or I have to find a suitable place for me to learn :(
Fear nothing and stand aside beneath your own wings. Fight for justice and truth, and conquer everything.
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Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:12 pm
Location: Malaysia

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