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Postby entity » Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:04 pm


I didnt mean to Tee you off there, I was just asking, because of course, im a detailed guy, Not military detailed, but tyring to understand if theres more to it than just what it says. Im not doubting you or anyone. As you said, people learn at different amounts of time.

I appologize if i made you upset, that question was not in offense to anyone. But i mean if youre offended then i guess were off to a bad start. Please keep in mind that I was just asking a question.
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Postby LordArt » Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:16 pm

I didn't realize I wrote it in a negative sense. I appologize if I did. I'm not teed off. I'm VERY tired from Crucible, but not upset. I gave such a detailed answer because I didn't want any false expectations to cause bad blood for those waiting, so I wanted to explain more about what happened behind the scenes. I know how it is to wait for something only to have it delayed more, it's frustrating, so I'm trying to manage expectations better.

So don't worry about it.
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Postby entity » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:45 pm

thanks art. and yes im excited to join if i am accepted
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