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Postby Obsidian » Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:37 am

Hey, any heads up on when the next round of applicants will be considered?

I've got a hankering for some magic and a serious hole in my schedule.

With my music course finishing up soon I've finally got the time to commit to regular magic practice/tuition and would love to know if there's any openings on the horizon =)
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Postby LordArt » Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:12 am

Typically, we are approaching that time after a fashion. It will certainly have to be addressed post Crucible (October). Some are completing their long walk soonish, which means they are back in training, and some are due to START the long walk in a few months (they are taking their G4 tests now). Realistically, let's say late October and reassess the situation then.
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Postby Obsidian » Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:55 am

Ah, Crucible. One day I'll be in America for that. It sounds like such an eye opening and enjoyable experience. I hope it goes well this year =)

I wasn't aware of the break in training after G4, that's interesting.

My music course finishes early November so that works out pretty well. Thanks for the info, it's very appreciated =)
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Postby LordArt » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:41 am

There isn't a break in training after G4, at UG4 there is. But there isn't much stuff to learn between G4 and UG4 (only a few months).

As far as Crucible goes, yes, I try to make it an educational and enjoyable experience for all. :)
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Postby Obsidian » Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:46 am

Oh right. I was aware of the UG4 break. Gotta earn those G7's, if you even need that power.

I remember a few friends getting amps that introduced dim tech and how it took them months to adjust. It sounded pretty intense and that was well below UG4. I can imagine a break and time to adjust would be pretty much essential by then.

Do you oversee and organise Crucible every year, Art? =)
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Postby LordArt » Thu Sep 02, 2010 11:26 am

Obsidian wrote:Do you oversee and organise Crucible every year, Art? =)

Yeah, but that is no secret. I'm a primary funder as well, but it is by no means a profit making venture. Jeff finds the hotel and he and I get the contract put together, I get the speakers and organise the hotel to what the needs are, including the banquet and the Mixer dinner. I also get and organise the volenteers who work during the convention, which are normally the Omnis. I enjoy the convention afterwards on video. ;) (I'm usually drawn in too many directions up to and immediately afterward to enjoy it during.) But it is always interesting, sometimes in all senses of that word.
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Postby Obsidian » Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:30 am

Sounds like there's a huge amount of work in it.. It's great to see that there's still people willing to take from their own pocket and not looking to make profit out of everything.

Are the videos ever made available to the general public (or dilligent hanger-ons) or are they for private use only?
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Postby Psychokinetic Wannabe » Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:14 am

I would say it is conceivable (wait til Art replies though - I'm by no means in charge or the know for such things) to get a video shown to you, but like much of the other answers you can get from Omni as a non student, it's dependent on how much you show yourself to be thinking on your own in the field. Also, based on something else that was said to me once (if it's classified my apologies, but I can't see why it would be) videos of other speakers than Art himself are even less likely to be released, since Art's lectures are his to do with as he pleases, while the other speakers give them while knowing that the videos are going to be archived, but not agreeing to have them spread.

So, rule of thumb, private use only. As a more complete rule - private use, with rare exceptions, but I would say it's safe to assume that A, not on request, and B, only when something you're already working on on your own and talking about with Art makes him decide one of the lectures is relevant for you to see.

Which means public viewing is a no, and for that matter, dilgent hanger-ons (I presume people like yourself) are most likely a no as a category. Now, if said diligent hanger-on is doing their own magical/psionic/whatever experimentation/research/contemplation, chats with Art about it, and seems to be doing good enough on their own to be rewarded, the moon and the planets are properly alligned and Art is in a good mood....
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Postby LordArt » Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:58 pm

Obsidian wrote:Sounds like there's a huge amount of work in it.. It's great to see that there's still people willing to take from their own pocket and not looking to make profit out of everything.

Are the videos ever made available to the general public (or dilligent hanger-ons) or are they for private use only?

Crucible: It is a lot of work, but honestly, it is far MORE work to prepare my lecture. Not the script (which I can do off the cuff), but the 3D and video editing/compositing/blue screening that I do for it now-a-days. The hassles of the convention itself I try to take care of as early as possible, so it is far less the day of. However, speakers are constantly changing their minds, so I have to scramble to fill in or deal with the fact they they won't submit their subjects, etc.

As far as the videos being released to the public, that isn't what they are for and the speakers are told that isn't what will happen to them. They are for the Omnis to view (and for me so I can actually attend my own convention after the fact). I can't release someone else's lecture without their permission. There has been occasion where a speaker has rescinded their approval for taping after the fact, so I had to pull their DVD from the completed set. I'll show it at my house, but that's about it. I've shown my DVD to others on very rare occasion outside of Omni, for business or other reasons, but that is my DVD which I can do what I want with it since it's me.
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Postby Obsidian » Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:39 pm

With all due respect, Psycokinetic Wannabe, my question was directed at Art. Whilst I may just be a 'diligent hanger-on', I've been assosciated with and involved with Omnimancy and various members for 5+ years. I would appreciate if you refrain from answering my questions that aren't related or applicable to you.

Art: Sounds like a pretty typical convention then, hehe. Speakers and presenters very rarely stick to schedule and script in my experience.

Your reasoning behind not releasing the videos makes perfect sense and I expected that to be the case. Didn't think there was any harm in asking ;) Thanks for your response. Further increases my motivation to attend asap!
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Postby Psychokinetic Wannabe » Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:07 pm

Obsidian wrote:With all due respect, Psycokinetic Wannabe, my question was directed at Art. ... I would appreciate if you refrain from answering my questions that aren't related or applicable to you.

Related or applicable to me? Because it's totally not possible that I hadn't asked something like this of Art before, or otherwise had some sort of knowledge on the matter? I will answer every question I have a good faith belief I have a constructive or helpful answer to. And given that my answer was essentially along the right track (and yes I have experience in this, I just won't bluntly go into detail because this is in a public section of the forum and I didn't want Art to deal with any extra message spam from futre folks reading it and thinking they'll get videos handed to them if they ask), I don't see how it's logically valid to say not trying to be helpful just because the question is directed at someone else is a good idea.

Obsidian wrote:Whilst I may just be a 'diligent hanger-on', I've been assosciated with and involved with Omnimancy and various members for 5+ years.

You're the one who called yourself that. I just presented the supposition that youwere referring to yourself that way. I then said that as a category, they don't get crucible vids. I did not say anything about you, or your lack merit because of being in that category (being in category A does not get you X. But you can do B, which gets you X, regardless of whether you're in category A). I said that like all Omni stuff, you get information based on what you've already done. I've seen your posts here from bgack when I was lurking here years ago - I know you've interacted with Omnis for a while, Art included. It seems to me that you interpreted my earlier reply as some sort of insult to you, or me trying to rub something in your face. It was intended as neither, nor did I feel any such sentiment underneath.

I just basically told you "it's possible, but rare and has to do with what magical efforts you are making on your own". I said it somewhat round-abountly, admittedly, but that's what I said. If you found some way to derive an insult from it, I can't do more than this clarifying.
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Postby Obsidian » Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:14 am

In retrospect, after reading back through both your previous post and my own, you're right. I apologise for how I responded and, yes, I did misinterpret a sentiment in the wrong way.

Thank you for the clarification and, in future, I'll try and keep the rudeness from my own posts in response because it was inappropriate and unnecessary.
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Postby Psychokinetic Wannabe » Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:09 pm

Your reply is appreciated, Obsidian.

Anyway, no worries about the misunderstanding. We cleared it up, which is what matters. :)
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Postby entity » Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:22 pm

So what can people who applied to Omnimancy can expect in Late October when (i guess) the applicants who applied can further know what happens?

What can be expected? And what can we do as we wait, is there anything we can practice, or read, or be familiar with in practicality?
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Postby LordArt » Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:53 pm

entity wrote:So what can people who applied to Omnimancy can expect in Late October when (i guess) the applicants who applied can further know what happens?

What can be expected?

I said the situation would be reassessed then, not that things would start up then. Basically, it has to be determined if logistics will allow more students yet, and if not, potientially when. When things DO start up, the applications will be gone through and people contacted at that time. This might easily be as late as January at this point. Basically, when you see the Application thread purged, we have started to look at them. I'm sorry I can't give you a more concrete timeline because I don't have one. Student's learning and testing, etc. all takes time and not the same amount each time. People might not also be ready to take on new students immediately. So please don't get your hopes up of an end of October interview process.

And what can we do as we wait, is there anything we can practice, or read, or be familiar with in practicality?

Read the site and the forums. Ask questions on the forums, etc. Beyond that, not that I can think of. There is plenty to do some basics on the site.
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