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Help needed ASAP with the Overnight - just for about a day

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Help needed ASAP with the Overnight - just for about a day

Postby GodOfBiscuits » Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:14 am

Hey, folks!
So I had this fantastic hotel lined up for the Cult Movie Overnight. I was going to actually sign a contract yesterday.
Then word came down from the hotel owner at the last minute: if there's bondage there, they don't want the event.

I have some other hotels lined up, but frankly, I'm too dispirited to make the calls. But I really need to actually -settle- this before Friday - sign a contract and everything.

To make matters even -more- fun, I researched dates in February and March to try to make sure that possible event dates didn't conflict with gaming conventions, major sports events, pagan or judeo-xtian holidays, school stuff....

...and there are 3 possible dates now, March 13, 20, and 27. March 13 is a little bit soon, and it's looking like the others might be bad for Arthur.

I need some kind soul who is willing and able to call up these hotels, and help me make a decision on which one to use. Like, soonish. :)

Interested? Drop me an email. :)

The main issues are:

->We need room for up to 250 people, and we need at least 3 conference rooms.
->We need to be able to feed a variable amount of people for as little money as possible. That means either bringing in our own food.. or arranging for a light meal for 100 people and having the ability to order in food for any overflow.
->We need a hotel that'd be open to an event like www.evenfalsethingsaretrue.com/cmo
->We need sleeping rooms at a reasonable rate. :)

We've got 5 candidate hotels, and I need to sign a contract ASAP. :)

Able to help? Please please pretty please email me at jeffmach@widdershins.com. :)
"Worshipped by biscuits everywhere."
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