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Postby Strider » Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:10 pm

1. Build up so much weaponry, so advanced and so powerful, that only a nation with a suicidal impulse would dare to attack America.

While this is a decent choice there is one problem, without colonial/imperialistic style of expansion, if America does this, it alienates the other countries, thus building the bonds for a Numericlly superior enemy versus the US. While we may have enough weapons to take them out, wehat will be the consequences to the ecosystem (to to sound like a greenie fluff bunny, but to the scale of assault you are talking about will have a detrimate to climate patterns as well as toxicity levels in the atmosphere)... then again if we develope "clean" nukes.. ::shrugs:: Whynot create Armageddon in the name of one culturally baised ideal? mmm large scale ethnocentrism.

2. Change the situation in The middle east by finding a way to get rid of wahabbisim and judaism once and for all.

It is not the religions themselves which are the problem, it is the radical political factions that reinterpret them and use them for justification much like the Christians have done and still do to an extent (Inquisition, Crusades, Schisms.. etc).
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Postby Naryx » Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:59 pm

Israel creates jewish-arab strife on purpose so they have an excuse to kill their enemies and have a chance in hell of getting away with it. I thought you knew that allready. How old are your sources?
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Postby Strider » Wed Dec 29, 2004 1:00 am

Israel creates jewish-arab strife on purpose so they have an excuse to kill their enemies and have a chance in hell of getting away with it. I thought you knew that allready. How old are your sources?

Again, this is politics over the religion. The British imoposed, Us backed state of Isreal is a prime example on how it is politcs (as Isreal was only established after WWII as a state) versus the religion as a hole. I know many Jewish people who say the same thing.

My sources are pretty recent to given the natures of my studies and the nature of some of my professors employments. :O} So don't do telling me that my sources are out of date.
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Postby Serene » Wed Dec 29, 2004 1:12 am

*cough* *choke* Sudden drop in oil prices? Where? The price has doubled here! You been looking at too many protesters with their "no blood for oil" signs. If anything, the war has cut down on supply, as most knew it would, because of the sabotage.

There are more important things to be had there. The cell-phone market here was saturated. The Koreans had started distributing in Iraq and were doing well. Hmmm, invade in March, by the end of April, Haliburton and Verizon Wireless are up and running . Actually expanding. Buildings to build, roads to make and so on. Wonder who will pave the roads, build the parking garages, take care of refrigeration, cable for phone/internet/tv, make cars and furniture and clothing. I bet companies outside the so-called coalition won't be participating in the reconstruction. All that money...

The social aspect, as in forcing exposure to our culture whether they like it or not, is just an added bonus. Ah yes, we must go forth and save all those souls. The various missions are just ecstatic. So much easier to get into the area now, so can covert people whether they like it or not. And history repeats itself yet again.

As for the war, any reason they could get people to buy into was good enough. My favorite was "well, look at how much better their lives are now". The government knew all along about the conditions, and didnt give a damn, until it was in the industrialist interests.
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Postby Strider » Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:20 am

Thank you Serene, well said.

As for the war, any reason they could get people to buy into was good enough. My favorite was "well, look at how much better their lives are now". The government knew all along about the conditions, and didnt give a damn, until it was in the industrialist interests.

Just remember that in the 60-70's Bagdad was much like how Havana was before communism, a thriving vacation spot. Then came the religious bent dictators who saw destruction of their heretige <inserts fall of Soviet Union and Cold war propagandist based politics in the middle east> and things go to hell because everyone who had been backing the governments pull out because of lack of interest.

Note: They had McDonalds before the War... I remember watching it being bombed when things started. They had working water and elecetricity which was decent, until we took out all "infastructure" based targets making our contractors more of a profit, but that is war right? Cripple your enemies, cut out their knees, then rebuild them so they can only function off of half assed products and 25 years worth of outdated replacement parts (thank Robocop, great analysis on capitilism if you ask me, for that reference).
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