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Postby Freefall » Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:32 pm

Yes, its me. Yes, i've been gone for awhile. Yes, it was on purpose. No, i'm not come back now. Yes, i've had a good reason to be gone, at least what i consider a good reason anyway.

For anyone who cares, i'm still alive. Good stable job and all that. Family is still a pain, but i remind myself they mean well. Spent alot of time finding myself, as they say. Still spending alot of time doing that actually, everyone needs a hobby right? Heh.

Not trying to come back right now or anything. I've made a promise to stay out of a certain someone's affiars and life as best i can. So far, i've held to that, regardless of my own desires in life. Such as the desire to learn.

Really no true point to this post. Aside from dropping in for the proverbial 'howdy do'. To be honest, i was supprised to find this login still worked, let alone my mention amoung the student list. Perhaps mearly a admistrative oversite. In which case, feel free to use this as a gentle reminder to update.

If i can though, let me say that my time with omnimancy was informative and entertaining, and is personaly missed. How the rest of you feel, is entirely up to you. I would request any personal questions or comments to be left via private message. General inquiries and the like can of course be left below. If anything, it would be nice to see how various people have been fairing.

Or just delete this login and post, and forget you even read this. Your call.

Regardless, i've said my peace.

(hurray for rambling....)
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