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Was it as good for you as it was for me?

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Was it as good for you as it was for me?

Postby MageMindy » Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:25 pm

How did everyone like Crucible? What did you like best? Any fun stories or memories? Perhaps a favorite quote of the weekend?

I had a great time! I thought the lectures were really good this year. I particularly enjoyed SK4P's Thelema talk, and Deb's Animal Totem exercise. (Go Zebra!)

What I liked the best was the talking that happened outside the lectures. It was great talking to other magic-users and to learn about their traditions. I learned a lot about Buddism that way:) (Thanks James!)

So what did you like?

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Postby tinny » Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:08 am

Meeting and talking with individuals on the side-lines, along with being able to witness various magical demos were both favorable experiences of mine this year at Crucible.

I also enjoyed Art's lecture/workshop in Omnimancy, Deb's totem meditation, and Shawn's overview of Thelema.

Barring somewhat awkward Jesus name-age :nervous:, my overall experience this weekend was positive.
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Postby LordArt » Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:20 am

Honestly, I had FAR more fun Friday Night. I got to hang out with friends and people I haven't seen for years (and even new people). I didn't get to hang/relax the rest of the weekend. Saturday I was busy from waking at 9:30am to 3:30am that night. Between getting the playbills together, organizing the setup, making sure the speakers were on Panels, making sure the registration desk was running right, correcting the hotel's setup of dinner (and the rooms for that matter), making sure the cameras were setup/had blank tapes/were running and pointed in the right direction, almost running out of food, issues at the registration desk, giving my OWN lecture (and not really haven't a clue what I should DO it on), then being Amp/Flare-Bitch for everyone. (Other comments deleted).
Sunday was more about getting everything cleaned up.

I'm STILL tired from this weekend (one of my co-workers commented).

But such is the price of the host. I'm glad everyone had a good time though!

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Postby Ogre » Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:05 am

Or how about your mom's pants for porn? :twisted:

Other than things beyond Crucible (like my truck which I still havenm't decided about), I had a great time.

I also ended up moving towards being the omni social director again... When all was said and done, we went through at least 14 bottles of mead, a bottle of tequilla, and a bottle of cream thin mint liquor. Next year, I plan to get a suite so we have a place to hang out and party, though donations from people would be nice if it goes that way.
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Postby LordFeh » Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:38 pm

It was great fun. Not often that so many like minded people can get together, say Fuck what the mundanes think, and have a good time.

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Re: Was it as good for you as it was for me?

Postby DixieFlatline » Tue Oct 17, 2006 3:33 pm

MageMindy wrote:How did everyone like Crucible? What did you like best? Any fun stories or memories? Perhaps a favorite quote of the weekend?

I had a great time! I thought the lectures were really good this year. I particularly enjoyed SK4P's Thelema talk, and Deb's Animal Totem exercise. (Go Zebra!)

What I liked the best was the talking that happened outside the lectures. It was great talking to other magic-users and to learn about their traditions. I learned a lot about Buddism that way:) (Thanks James!)

So what did you like?


You're quite welcome, madame.

What I liked.

Well, the food was quite good. Though not quite as much as I like(there was second supper, but no second breakfast or elevensies), it was quite good.

I liked the Kemetic Tantra workshops as well as the geometry and Thelema workshop(even though SK4P talked smack about my guy Jack Parson's, but that's ok, even I think that doing a major spell to bring about the Christian apocalypse may not be the best idea ever, and I'm a big fan).

Meeting/remeeting everyone was awesome, though next year I'm getting a room. And some orgonite.

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Postby Oyama » Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:37 pm

It was great! I really enjoyed all the panels and presentations, and of course the omni lecture. It was really a valuable experience for me to be around so many like-minded people. Plus, I got a bunch of people's contact info, so now I continue to talk to people from Crucible.

Thank you Arthur and the Omnimancers for hosting Crucible, it's a wonderful event :chug:
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Postby Draco_Platina » Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:19 am

The con itself was incredible, (Extra special thanks to Art, who tolerated me for an extra couple of days and was amp/flare-bitch. Definately used your powers for awesome) I look forward to attending again, hopefully this time without the shitty travel on either side.
For those of you who have not spent the night in an airport, don't. It sucks.
Also, I'd like to give a special mention to both My Hair and Not Becky's Dragon, as they were successful in keeping me out of the corner.
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Postby mahasvapna » Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:03 pm

Crucible was great, although I did mostly hang out in the corner. 'Fraid i'm not terribly social - but the talks were fabulous! sk4p's two lectures on Thelema and QP Theory were awesome, as was Art's presentation on Omnimancy, and the panel discussions on Theurgy vs. Thaumaturgy, and Tradition vs. Ecclectic.

It was good to be around people who work with magick again, the atmosphere is always very different, and more interesting, with sheilds and constructs and probes and things flying through the air.

Even the walk back to NYC was relatively interesting, I managed to learn, through creative deduction, how to warm my body and maintain a localized atmosphere, with a bit of alteration to the material art gave us. That creative energy in gathering like that sticks with you for a little while after.

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Postby GodOfBiscuits » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:24 pm

Crucible was really fantastic. Out of all the events I've attended so far, I think I quite possible enjoyed Crucible most of all.

And I've been to a LOT of events. :)
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