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What do we see?

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What do we see?

Postby boever » Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:56 am

I would like to hear your opinions about this idea.

When starring a long time at a certain object it appears to me like a water surface. This made me conclude that perhaps everything we see is like this surface, which is a visible division or interface between 2 substances. Is it possible that everything we see is like an interface between this plane and another?
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Postby Psychokinetic Wannabe » Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:05 pm

Well, just based on what I learned from LordArt's answers to my questions in the "Various Inquiries" thread, combined with theoretical physics in general, I am inclined to think that no - matter is there, and it's not really the manifestation of one thing interfacing with another.

However, now that I think about it, there may be something to that in that matter as us incarnates can observe it may very well be the manifestation of interaction between various energies in the astral and the specific 'realm elements' that make up our universe. Well, it probably wouldn't be the realm elements, because if LordArt is right about the fact that matter can be brought out of this universe without needing to be artificially maintained, then it would probably be the division between stuff that's not relevant to just a single universe...

Honestly though, you'd have to be more specific with what objects you're referring to and what the details of your experiences with this perception are, as well as what context you're having them in, before I or anyone else can give a truly good answer.
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Postby Obsidian » Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:34 am

Without seeming rude, what you're seeing is more likely to be related to pure optics and the way your eyes function.

Your eyes are coated in jelly and produce lubricant (tears). When you stare for a long time the lubricant builds up (your eyes water) and you're effectively seeing the world through a liquid filter.

That's more likely to be why you see things go a little blurry or watery. That doesn't mean everything we see isn't a surface, but it's more likely what you're observing is completely un-magical.

I'm of the firm opinion that what we see isn't an interface or a surface at all. What we see is what we see, it's what exists on this plane. It IS this plane. Just as other planes have different things to see.

My opinions of course.
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