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Anyone want a good laugh at someone elses expense?

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Anyone want a good laugh at someone elses expense?

Postby Magrus » Tue Aug 12, 2003 1:33 pm

I just recieved an email from someone who'd read a bit about my past life experiences somewhere and it described what he believes were his experiences. To me, its a good reason why you shouldn't do LSD and read the bible but maybe someone else would have some other input on all of it?

I'll put the email in here and if anyone's got a comment of any sort I'd love to hear it. OH and the guys name's Tito to boot.

"I have read some of your writings about your past life, and i found it interesting. But first let me introduce myself I used to be a Satan, or the first Satan as a friend called me. Lucifer is millions of years to a few billions maybe, but i am several billions of years old, almost as old as the universe if not a bit older. I could be the second son of God as a son of a fallen angel who used to be with me called me. If not i am the most powerful angel. Yes God has at least 2 sons, as someone from my class found writings lost from the bible about another of his sons besides Jesus. He also has a daughter, which i may have met in one of my travels(my half sister). I found out over a year ago who i was. You are not the only one who forgot about his past i had angels of mine who forgot who they were, others remembered. Anyways the story is very simple, and maybe my half sister, rebelled against God to be more powerful than him but we lost. You will probably not find any writings because we are so old, older than the planet thats for sure, unless you meet some of my angels, which are on Earth. The angels of Atticus my true last name. One of the reasons that i think i am one of the sons of God is because if i transform anything i say comes true, i can may wishes come true, anything. So i never i think was the same as the demons of Lucifer i didn't have a hell, i was a rebel going through the universe refusing God. So afterwards we lost God decided not to make so many powerful angels as mine(i will explain their power later). I lost 99% of my memories i had two dreams which triggered memories from my past, one showed one of my angels fighting God's angel, and another one showed one of my male angels with a female angel, who left me to return to God, and i was laughting like a maniac. I knew the way i was i did't respect life(angel or human), i was evil i lusted for power. I had to change so i decided to be born again so i separate from my evil self, it worked, but with the cost of loosing all my memories, now i have lived as a human(which i am not) for 19 years. I have reached my redemption, after billions of years, now i love God, and i would never turn against him again, i used to have the least morals in my army of angles, now i must have the most morals, and i am willing to die for them. I arrived on this planet before Lucifer did, and it says than Satan had a child with Eve, Cain, and i am positive of that he is my son, however it was Lucifer who tempted Eve to take the apple, not me. If Cain was my child, i am the father of all berserks, i am the reason behind the berserkers rage, power, or "going berserk" not Odin. Odin is more like their adoptive father i am their true father. Ok that's about all that i know about my past life. Now what i looked like and the powers we had.

(When i turned evil)I basically had a skeleton's head, fire always burning on the skull instead of hair, all black eyes with a ligth shining in the middle, i wore a black clock, i had small fangs, claws, and was 9 feet 6 inches in my normal.

Other wise before i turned evil i had white or brown hair(but was very young) and i weared my cloack and was still 9 feet 6 inches

My power level if you like was 4 00 000 000 000 to 8 00 000 000 000 thats that may times strength increase from my normal, i either fougth bare handed or with an axe. The temperature of my hands was over 10 000 degrees celcius. I had no wings.

My angels were between 7 feet to 8 feet in their normal. When they transfomed their musles trippled or quadripled. They had gray wings. Their strength increase was 5 000 000 000 times their normal strength, they had gray claws. The temperature of their hands was 3000 to 10 000 degrees celcius.

Lucifer demons are weak compared to my angels, their power level is from several hundreds of thousands to a few millions. I have met Lucifer he used to be a teacher at my school as a woman he had green and yellow eyes. His powerlevel was 2 000 000 000. But now he found a way to increase his power, he gets blood from me and that increases his power by 25%, each time he ingects my blood in his. If you have a power level of 2 000 000 000 or higher you survive an nuclear bomb.

I have read about your power, and you are quite strong, you must of had a power of
4 000 000 000.

Now my power is 1 times 10 to the power of 30 thats
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000. I am God like my power increases every day, week, month or year. Well thats it for me, i would love to hear about the war you fougth, and mostly the planets you have been to, since i will visit other planets when i get my power. I am learning all over again last week i just learned how to get my adrenaline drive, to increase my strength and decrease pain, now i am working to increase my strength to a great amount, and teaching my other friends(who are berserks) who have supported me from the start with my beliefs. How to transform is extremely hard, but once you know how you can do it again.

Ok thats it, e-mail back, and don't e-mail this to anyone else, but you can tell other people who are angels, don't bother telling the average human they don't understand i know. Good bye for now."
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Postby LordArt » Tue Aug 12, 2003 1:58 pm

I still want to see someone claim that they're a swamp monster in true form. :lol:

Yep, 19 and heading straight for the mental ward. And people wonder why the mainstream doesn't take Mages/pagans/whatever seriously. I bet this all powerful person can only find a job at burger king, and can't get a date. :roll:

This guy must be great at parties. He can levitate his own ego. :)

I worry about the youth of today sometimes...
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Postby Magrus » Tue Aug 12, 2003 2:06 pm

That email just made my day so much brighter, I mean I've met those people he wrote about and wow. It's all one big contradiction and just made me giggle for a while. HAD to share it. :lol:
"Everything I need is not really what I want.
I really really want to see you die." Rot by Dry Kill Logic
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Postby Rene » Fri Aug 15, 2003 12:20 am

People like this make me look sane. They also make me think that I've picked the right field, as mental cases are obviously going to be a large source of income for the canny few able to treat them.
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Postby Contrary » Sun Nov 09, 2003 10:45 pm

... *sigh* It's just wrong that killing someone like that would earn me bad karma. I'm sure I'd be doing *someone* a favor.
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Postby Ogre » Mon Nov 10, 2003 7:22 am

Rene, to me, NO ONE will make you look sane, so don't fret... :)

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never enough medication

Postby LC » Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:05 pm

there will never be enough medication in the world for someone like that.


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Postby Naryx » Sun Nov 14, 2004 3:02 am

How do you know he isn't serious? How do you know he isn't telling the truth? You have no way to know. Its email. There can be no verification without actually meeting the individual. I've seen and read and experienced my own share of experiences that defy sanity*. This does not mean that these experiences are not valid or truthful. All this means is that these experiences have been far from normal. This doesn't make them 'bad' or 'evil' or 'wrong'. Save your ignorant shit eater responses for someone who cares. If you have something actually relevant to my commentary to say, say it. But don't waste my time flinging shit like the obviously ignorant monkeys you are.

* - which, given this thread, I'm not going to share, since I'm unwilling to put up with you headupyourownass bastards making fun of me.
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Postby Spartan » Sun Nov 14, 2004 8:23 am

My belly hurts because of the laughing, how can someone come up with such a bs story. I wonder if the person that wrote it is just joking, and is having fun we think he is serious, or can someone really be so insane. :lol:
Like Rene says, it makes me look sane. :wink:

Naryx, of course the person can be serious, the person may see it as truth, in his own mind that is, that doesn't mean it is truth for the most of us. And IMO, it's so full of bs and contradictions that, for me, it's just another made up story of some wacko.
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Postby Naryx » Sun Nov 14, 2004 5:02 pm

My point remains.

Some as look sane are insane.

Some as look insane are sane.

I'm finished discussing it.
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Postby Dumani » Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:17 am

OH NOOO!! It would take like, a million 9-foot televangellists injected with the blood of Moses to beat that guy!!!
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