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Quantium physics in omnimancy

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Quantium physics in omnimancy

Postby miri » Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:52 am

I know that The advanced stuff in omnimancy probably uses a lot of things you aren't consciously aware of, however I was wondering if properties of quantium physics are applied to omnimancer tech. For instace, closed loops are outside of the law of conservation of energy, and other such barriers of the universe, and every reality simultaneously existing, etc. If not, why? If so, what aspects? I, for one, often use certian thigns, like the closed loop example, to bend the rules with my creations... just a random wondering.
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Re: Quantium physics in omnimancy

Postby LordArt » Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:08 pm

I'm not a quantum physicist, so I can't say what we do overlaps and what doesn't. I have a limited knowledge of quantum physics, as most people do. Most people have snippets of theory that may or may not be valid anymore in the "world" of quantum physics considering how volatile of a field that is, even now.

Most of the time when I see programs on quantum mechanics or physics, I watch them, but not in the context of improving my magic. Mostly to see how close they are getting to the observations I(or others) have already made. They are getting closer, but they aren't there yet, and probably won't be until other concepts are added into physics. (Which may very well have been considering most shows on the subject are dumbed down and are normally out of date with the currently held theories) The best thing I can do to answer your question is to put down beliefs or theories that are in that vain of quantum physics that you mention.

I believe in the law of conservation of energy. However, it extends to all time and all universes being the full pool of energy that doesn't change. No energy is created or destroyed, it's simply transformed. Every means of power is getting it from SOMEWHERE else (either as fuel(potential energy) or extracting from something already energetic which got energetic from something else, etc.) You can bring energy across time, so one instant of time can have less energy than another instant, but the whole of time still has the same amount. Energy from outside a universe from another universe is kind of standard.

I have seen no evidence of the "multiple worlds/universe" theory in the sense of infinite parallel worlds all based upon each split of a decision someone makes. Nice idea, but it doesn't work. Mostly because the amount of energy required to exponentially build those worlds doesn't make any sense and goes against the conservation energy law above. And what about every OTHER unique universe that has nothing to do with this one? Wouldn't those have the same parallels as this one? Of course they don't, and neither does this one. Part of perhaps what they are missing is reality(i.e. this universe and how time and events are laid out) shifts and isn't static. Or rather reality IS static if it isn't operated on by an outside force.

The problem is, each one of us is a spirit existing in multiple dimensions simultaneously piloting our meat puppet here. We are that outside force and so reality is constantly changing. Fortunately, we are quite predicable, so reality isn't shifting too drastically at any given time (or at least often). Those that do magic (from within or without) affect the universe/reality and reality conforms as if it was always that way. Anything magical has a "mundane" reason for its occurrence. That is because the only point of interface is the "NOW" instant. Both forward and backward history is changeable. Any simple spell will show you that. For example, a spell to get your paycheck early (or "now!"), you cast for it, it arrives in the mail that day, out of order for when it should have been. Now you have your check several days early, but if you investigated, there was a normal series of mundane events that lead to that check being their early. Reality shifted itself to your will, and to allow that check to be in your hands. To anyone on the outside, it wasn't anything special, just a series of events, hence why magic is so hard to prove to people sometimes. When we got to G7a, our senses were able to see what looked like "universal frames". The theory was at the time was that it was the multiple universes. We did experiments and found it wasn't multiple universes, but individual frames of time. And more importantly, how reality cascades changes both forward and backward in time and the result is as if it always was there. Fascinating to watch.

I know that string theory has concepts of dimensions beyond the normal 3 + time. Some string theories go from 11 to 25 or so. I can count out at least 12 easily (because I use them all the time in my magic), and can add many others(but it starts to break my head), and they aren't these little "round" straw dimensions that they mention in string theory. I have it on good authority that there are at least 40 since she is better at this kind of thing than I am. "Take every dimension you have, and go 90 degrees from it to find another one" I use and seen such weird places, but it isn't as easily understood. The other 12 make sense to me (as silly as that might sound from a layman's perspective). No, I'm not so super cool I can conceive of 12 dimensions simo. I usually abstract it down to 2 or 3 at a time. Much like using a map (which is 2d) to abstractly represent a 3D land mass. I only pay attention to the dimensions I need to at that time. Part of the problem(kinda) is one can easily argue that certain dimensions only really have use in certain areas. But that's a whole other subject, and likely is only a side effect of the way I abstract it to keep it all making sense.

The only constant is that the multiverse is FAR larger than what people think. The edges are really the limitations of your own abilities to see further. As you can see farther, you see that there is more, in many directions. In the end, it's up to you if you wish to explore, try to understand it (or make something up), or say it "just is".
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Postby Tetra » Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:38 pm

Last edited by Tetra on Wed Oct 17, 2007 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby miri » Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:49 am

Tetra wrote:I would argue, as the resident physics class takey person, Miri, that your understanding of any of these topics is limited.

I do have a pet-peeve against string theory, but I think that's outside the scope of this.

Quantum physics does *not* break Laws. If it broke a Law, the Law wouldn't be a law.

Closed loops simply define a system in which you can work through the variables.

Understanding of the complexities behind why, yes that eludes me, but reading the brain numbing articles and books I can I have a rough understanding of some things. That my knowledge of such thigns is limited I acknowledge.

As to LordArt, thank you, that was enlightneing.
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Postby Obsidian » Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:22 pm

Hey Tetra, as the resident physics buff, I'm interesting in your opinion =)

I'm in no way an authority on it, but I understand what I've read so far. If you're not really into the String Theory, what're your thoughts regarding Dark Energy?

It seems to me to be... A little fanciful. There's a lot of good points in their research and various anomolies give it a lot of credence, but I find there's something that doesn't sit right with me about it.

It's funny actually. Reading the science journals lately has shown me how out of the loop I am. Anyways, thoughts regarding Dark Energy? =)
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Postby Iamu » Wed May 16, 2007 4:58 pm

I find it very helpful to think of psychic energies and materials as being very much like physical radiation and matter. Harmonics and electrodynamics on the astral work a lot like on the physical plane, as far as I can tell, just throw in some extra spatial dimensions. I'd guess that the quantization of energy applies to the astral plane as well, but I wouldn't say I have experimental data to back that up. It's just, I haven't observed anything like an ultraviolet catastrophe, where an object with little energy tends to emit it all in very high energy, high frequency waves; it generally takes a certain minumum threshold of energy to produce high frequency radiation.

As for dark matter and energy... well, it's hiding around here somewhere... people are saying it may be tachyonic... the astral plane seems to be a medium for faster-than-light communication, so... Why wouldn't the astral plane be made out of tachyonic strings?
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Postby oath » Thu May 24, 2007 1:18 pm

I have found Photon's to be the scientific equivalent to Aether or chi energy. More so, fusion may also have alchemic connotations that can be performed by and In the human body. Though slightly controversial for some, I hope to test this soon.
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Postby indigoblade » Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:15 pm

Hey Obsidian...I have a thought in regards to dark energy, just as i do dark matter. Its the scientists way of saying we don't understand whats going on so we're gonna call the rules of gravity and energy movement we don't get a mysterious name so that we continue to look intelegent.
Excuse me for the run on sentance, but they really irk me sometimes when they're supposed to be objective and they're not.

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Postby O.... » Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:47 pm

It's really a matter of correspondences.
Te undeniable fact is that our existence is governed by the interaction of intelacing frameworks. Sometimes ghostly seeming forces besides.Within the existant are our costants in points of question.

Also I call to point that strong forces here are likely to be "piggybacked" upon the results of the interactions of other universes energies and crossing. Where and how perception and projection work as we navigate these.

My myspace has a buch of collected works on the matter to show the time window and some of the extent of such questions.

I have formed a, at the very least, visble warp function for those whom would like to see...*lowbow*

I can not sever the meta from the materia of question.

It cuts many ways.

This is a practical sweeping exercise. Part of a promise .

I all ears for questions or info.

The first myspace to view is under the name:
"O:Vortex of sines"

This is the first part with poetry and observation based on trend.
It's old and locked stabley there, one end..

The next is currently evloving, under the name "O....:OION

Both sites are based upon forces of life and time , which hold like a gateway form then 'till now. Some of it's personal.

Theory 'pon theory eolves selves, following questioning of the evolving.

I was once known by the screen name of"Obtebrasti".

This all handles the informational and introductory.*nod*
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Postby indigoblade » Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:45 pm

can you possibly create a link to your references so we can more easily see what you are saying o...., I'm very sure that everyone here will have a better point of ref. if you let us have the links. Balls in yer court.

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Postby O.... » Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:18 pm

In this age information can be way to easily coppied and regurgitated without grasp.

It's helpful that we do our research. The implications of the commonalities of crossreferenced systems say more.

Bibliographies can be made ad nauseum, this won't say whether or not we've understood.

Try looking at "Magick Without Tears",Crowley and "Electrodynamic field Theory" Einstein's paper on field quanta.

Note the similarities in approach to structure.(thought and theory.)
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Postby Moonburn » Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:02 pm

I apologize for reviving a moderately aged topic, but I felt that I had something to contribute.

I learned how to program bare space a while back and I was trying to figure out why I could do it. I just realized that it could be an astral version of "Zero Point Energy". Now, I know that a lot of new agey groups have taken more than a little license with this concept, but hear me out. I was trying to come up with a way to get around spatial and entropic (?) limitations with my constructs/spells/whatever. This seemed to be the silver bullet solution to the problem. That at any given point in "Otherworldly" space, there was a certain quanta of energy that was always present. Perhaps I was programming* that energy.

This is only a hypothesis, of course... cause I tend to be less than diligent in pursuing any one idea for a length of time. It's still an interesting idea, magically speaking.

*I don't program things, really. I tell it to do something and it does. If - to use a simple example- I want a construct to be blue, then I tell it to be blue. I liken the process to telepathic communication with an entity (human or otherwise).
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Postby StormSeeker » Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:03 am

That pretty much counts as programming. :)

Programming or putting instructions into a spell or construct doesn't have to be intricate or long-winded, and IME, rarely is. Whatever we use to say, tell a construct to be or be seen as having the colour blue is our symbolism at work, and it's a valid enough way to just bypass that, tell it to be blue, and let our subconscious figure out the 'how to'. Much of the time it'll get a better result because we're not sitting there trying to figure out _how_ to consciously get a construct to be blue; we let the mechanics take care of themselves.
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Postby Obsidian » Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:51 pm

"Be cat-shaped, purr like a kitty and keep me warm" =P

It's like a lucky-dip! See the first thing your mind shapes it into =)

I've found what you mentioned there, Storm, to be so true. The more I tried to think about what I wanted to do, and program it in every step of the way, the more muddled up it became. But if I formed a concept and picture, my subconscious could take it care of it fairly efficiently.

Then I'd get to sit back and learn how it was all done, hot damn.
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Postby Moonburn » Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:42 pm

No, you're right. I think what I was trying to avoid was an association with the stale, dogmatic "popular" perspective.
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