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a question

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a question

Postby indigoblade » Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:39 pm

Ok, I understand why you guys are keeping alot of what you have done a secret. Absolute power corrupts absolutly. My qeustion here isn't about that. It is however about this: will you ever make anything in your findings public? From reading alot of your posts I have come to understand that you have creadted a system which creates predictable and repeatable "events". (I know I worded that weird, but I'm in a weird mood.) Since this is true wouldn't it make it scientificly measurable, at least to some degree? I would think that the system you use could possibly have far reaching benefits for the rest of mankind. I also think that it could make use of such valid magick to mass produce items that could probably change how the rest of the world views reality as well as pushing us forward. I don't know, I'm kinda havinig a hard time presenting this question, because it is more an idea then a question. What has been presented in the site as just foundational stuff is very good, but I think the stuff you guys do could actualy be used in a way that could definately bring about some well needed changes for the rest of the world.

I'm really not trying to fish or be pushy or anything like that at all. The stuff that I feel from just doing a mild scan of the people involved in this site gives me goosepimples and warm feelings all inside. I know and understand that you guys are very thorough and scientificaly based in your studies on magickal things. This gives me hope for a brighter future.

I just want to know, will there ever be more public info? Will you guys ever use this stuff to make a little profit and buisness (I could imagine machines you guys make being sold.)? Do you think this could lead to a tech revolution (yes, like the industrial revolution)? Do you think it is too early to do these things or too dangerous without further study?

I really hope that before you jump on me for my questions, grammer or whatever else you may find wrong with this post that you seriously consider the ramifications of what I have typed here. A new paradigm could be brought about by your group into general society and open alot of peoples eyes in such a way that they could exept it and accept it (chuckles at the wordplay).

Ok, enough of my rambling. Please before you respond think deeply upon what I have stated. I am not pushing for a reveal of your work. Hell, I gotta T.V. and I don't completely understand how it works. Scientists work with electricity and they still don't completely understand it. I just hope that your tech and techniques could bring about a change that could redifine much of what the modern doesn't come close to illuminating.

With great love and appreciation.

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Postby LordArt » Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:18 pm

Unfortunately, it's not that easy. While we do have repeatable stuff, I learned a LONG time ago it isn't that easy to bring it to the public let alone safe.

1. Science won't accept it - The scientific community, much like most communities is run by the old-boys network. Even more "legit" scientific theories are strongly pushed against and dismissed until such a theory starts to win a "popular" vote. It can have little to do with the actual validity of the science itself. Another point that was brought up was that even if I sat there with a perverbial fireball floating above my hand, a true scientist wouldn't accept the answer that it was magic. While he couldn't deny what was floating there, he wouldn't and couldn't accept the cause of it being there. There is no "bridge" science between current scientific understanding and magical understanding. Currently in science everything has a point of reference to something else in science. Magic does not. And I could say it's magic or that little green men gave me an invisible device to do said fireball. Both could be true among uncountable other explanations of why I was able to do it. To simply accept my answer that it was magic would be considered BAD science, which there is a lot of out there these days from the New Age folks.

2. Fundies - To me, fundies are a clear and present danger. Always have been. I don't mean just Christian Fundies either, I mean any type. The first rule of the fanatic is "when you become obsessed with the enemy you become the enemy" and that sums up Fundies for me. (Fundie= Fundamentalist). I've been on the negative end of fundies before and it's no joke. If they thought they'd actually get away with killing you, they would. To them, it's not breaking a commandment, but saving your soul. It only takes one nutjob with a rifle to ruin your day. I wouldn't expect omni stuff to become public until we would be able to stop such a nutjob reliably. It wouldn't be worth it otherwise (let alone safe). If omni came out before such abilities were available, the fundies would go from looking at pagans and mages as devil worshipers to outright devils, and they would consider US their clear and present danger and be more motivated to be militant seeing us as a direct threat. And don't think this is a small group of wacos. The fact that W got elected TWICE should show you something as far as numbers go. And I have had this proven to me since someone told me once that if it was someone else, they would have simply dismissed their claims as ramblings and laughed at them, but because he's seen my work and knows I can do what I say, he would take a rifle to me. Don't you feel the love? :(

3. The mobs simply aren't ready - A person can be smart intelligent and logical. The mobs are reactionary, emotional, and short sighted. Giving people more personal power in the way of magic isn't something that is going to help the masses. It will just become another way to subdue them via those more powerful in it. Nothing will change as far as the status quo goes. Most people can't figure out their own problems let alone stack on a bunch of ones from magic. Someone once said that one should have their physical life in order before they have a spiritual life. Admittedly, in moderation, a magical life can help fix one's physical life. However, more often than not, I've seen people use their magical abilities as a crutch to avoid what they really need to do in their physical life, or disappear completely into their magical/spiritual life, running from their problems. To be good at magic is like to be good at almost any other thing. A successful person will be so, regardless if it was via magic or other means. It has to do with who they are.

I'm not saying the day won't come, but perhaps not in my lifetime. It will be a VERY hard road for anyone who pushes this into the mainstream. This topic has been discussed at length within Omni a LONG time ago. Not all are interested in being counted among us when/if things DO go public because of the problems it will cause for themselves and their families.
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Postby Obsidian » Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:47 pm

Good answer! Sucks about the rifle thing too man, that's obscene and ridiculous >.<

It reminds me of a loaded gun. The guys that developed this system worked their asses off to get what they have and where they are. In my eyes, not everyone (or anyone, for that matter) deserves the sum of their work handed to them. Aside from how incredibly dangerous it would be, it's completely disrespectful.

Even removing the mob mentality, think of how many people would think like this:

I'm a nice guy. I didn't deserve to be beaten up tonight, I did nothing wrong! Hey, I'll get him back because I got shown how to! *cue weapon that causes physical damage or death*

He might well be a stable guy in everyday life, but everyone gets emotional. People with no respect for the massive amounts of power you gain from ANY system of magic (and especially Omnimancy because of how it's grown) are just plain dangerous.

Art knows that, if he has a fight in the street with someone, it doesn't give him the right to blow their soul to pieces. Hell, even Ogre would think that way (whether he'd act that way... *cough* =P). In earning and developing their power they've earnt and developed the knowledge and experience of where what's applicable.

Basically: Don't give a loaded gun to someone that isn't ready for it.

Gun = high-powered magic
Not-ready = Anyone who didn't develop it themselves.

(and for the record, I feel the same way about physical guns!)
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Postby indigoblade » Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:21 am

thanx art and obsidian, you both answered my question very thoroughly and thoughtfully. I will post another repy once I have thought on the answers presented.

Love the nickname for the fundamentalists...fundies :lol:
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