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JEFF FEST - The Official Omni Announcement

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JEFF FEST - The Official Omni Announcement

Postby GodOfBiscuits » Sun Feb 15, 2004 8:08 pm

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Newbies and ancient ones! Incarnates and disincarnates! Living, dead, zombified, AIs, MIs, visitors, guests, Omnimancers! Allow me to present to you the culmination of years of hard work and determination! Allow me to astound, amaze, and mystify you! Allow me to show you a good time and probably get you laid!

In short, allow me to WORK THE ROOM LIKE A CRACK-STARVED POLITICIAN CONVINCED THAT EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU HAS A COUPLE OF GRAMS HIDDEN IN HIS OR HER WALLETS. Let me BEG, PLEAD, CRY, THREATEN, BRIBE, COERCE, and otherwise convince you that what you should do RIGHT NOW - no, not in a few days, not next week, but RIGHT NOW, as soon as you finish reading this:

Go to www.evenfalsethingsaretrue.com/cmo/tickets.html, and BUY YOUR TICKET, that's right, BUY YOUR TICKET to the one, the only, the incredible, the amazing JEFF MACH'S CULT MOVIE OVERNIGHT - also called "JEFF FEST"!!!!

WHY should you do this? First off, if you HAVEN'T been, ask anyone at this board who HAS - it's INCREDIBLE. I do say so myself, yes, and I deserve to! Folks, we're talking 13+ hours of live performances by unusual and kickass musicians - Including, folks, YOURS TRULY, in a rare live performance of excerpts from his new ROCK OPERA, tentatively titled Hot, Throbbing Evil - about dark mages and the sacrificial altar girls who love them; off-off Broadway theatre; unusual art exhibitions; vendors of weapons, leather goods, rune readings, and a wide variety of stuff you won't find at your local mall; The Rocky Horror Ritual Show, which anyone will tell you is like The Rocky Horror Picture Show, only better...

...and if you HAVE gone before, folks, the event this year looks like it's going to be STUNNING. Moving it near Philly was a gutsy chance to take, if I do say so myself - but it looks like it's paying off. We've still got the full complement of New York and New Jersey freaks, including my odd and twisted Greenwich Village contingent, the leatherpeople, and that strange, sweet little orthodox Jew, Danny, who wanders around with the long hair and the smile...

...but now we've got a WHOLE NEW contingent of South Street and other PHILLY FREAKS...and kids, I'm just gonna say five words, and leave it there:


Kids. Pause for a moment in reading. Go to www.evenfalsethingsaretrue.com/cmo/tickets.html. Buy your tickets. I gotta eat.

And beyond...

Well, friends, I could try to make (those of you with consciences) guilty by saying: Hey. Right now, this is my only source of income. My web hosting company made an incredibly bad choice in server farms (I WILL lay forth the blood and souls of the employees of www.voxel.com, curse them and crush them!) - and my hosting has been screwed for the past 6 months. Since 95% of my clients host with me, and all of them identify my "hosting company" with the rest of my business... it's hurt my business a LOT. And contrary to what El Presidente says, the economy SUCKS - so say all of my clients, who are currently broke. I may have a viable web business in a few months...I sure don't now.

But no...no, that's not why I'm going to ask you to visit www.evenfalsethingsaretrue.com/cmo/tickets.html and Paypal in your order of a ticket + dinner (You don't want to miss dinner. Not only will it be good, not only am I actually taking a slight loss on each dinner sold to bring that meal to you...it's also an amazing, fun chunk of downtime to socialize with other weirdos) - I'm not asking you to do it for me.

I'm asking you to do it for our beloved Arthur, and our beloved Amy, and the yet-unnamed boy-demon even now growing in the Moyer home.

Because friends, it's crunchtime for Rank: Warmaster. And I'm trying to help - I've been trying, and I even have helped, some. And I hear you say, "But, Jeff, you're going to be putting as much time into the Overnight as the web business. How will you have time?" And the answer is, no, while I plan to work my ass off for the Overnight, there's two big differences. First, my server company has gone so far to hell that it shouldn't be called a server company. That was a crisis I had no reason to expect. Neither did they. Six years of uptime and growth...now their business has lost 40% of its revenue and a lot of credibility. Same here.

Second...the Overnight actually DOES bring money in. That's the other reason I've been scrambling - I've had no way to pay my damn bills. When the phone company's gonna shut me off in three days, I HAVE to run around and work, not my usual 12-14 hour days, but 16-18 hour days, to find some way to make that money.

The Overnight, unlike the US economy, works.

So I'll actually be able to DO all the things I'd like to do. Like help out Rank: Warmaster. Like be a better (less impossible to reach) friend. Like come to magic night. Like eat sometimes (thanks again for covering me at lunch the other day, Rich. You're a prince. A warrior-prince, I'll specify, not one of those "sit around all day playing polo and arguing with the Queen Mum" princes - no offense to any Brits out there. Ever read "The Queen And I", by Sue Townshend? Great book.

Right! Sorry! Where was I?...

...folks. Go paypal in some cash for a ticket, if you have the money. Or send me a check, if you can send it soon. Or pay me on magic night. Go ahead. Email me. Make me bribe you. Make me write you poetry, babysit your kids, destroy your enemies with an unholy rain of white fire (yes, you advanced students don't need it, but newbies, this is your chance!)

Go forth. Buy tickets.

I love you all.

"Worshipped by biscuits everywhere."
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Postby StormSeeker » Thu Feb 19, 2004 11:21 pm

Damn.. *falls over at Jeff's advertising abilities, and whimpers* I wanna go to Jeff-Fest... :cry:
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Postby MageMindy » Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:45 pm

I got the first ticket! WhooHoo!!!
Get a Taste for Magic, Lick a Mage!
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Postby Draconic Feathers » Tue Mar 02, 2004 2:22 pm

So this is taking place in Cherryhill, NJ? Is that by Voorhees High School by anychance? I've been there a couple of times for fencing meets/tournaments, so if it is then I'll actually know where it is and may be able to go ^_^
Draconic Feathers

The Holiday Inn is indeed...

Postby GodOfBiscuits » Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:46 pm

...about 15-20 minutes from Vorhees High School. If not closer. :) You should definitely go - for the Omnimancy demo, if nothing else. :) Toss me an email if you'd like, at jeffmach@runningwatermusic.com
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Postby Draconic Feathers » Wed Mar 03, 2004 1:19 pm

Hehe, I would love to go just for the Omnimancy demo. But...*wonders how the heck he'll be able to go to such a thing with parents and wall :/*
"Hey dad, can I go to an over night party based on mostly occult related things and practices?" hehe
Draconic Feathers

Postby GodOfBiscuits » Wed Mar 03, 2004 4:49 pm

Draconic Feathers wrote:Hehe, I would love to go just for the Omnimancy demo. But...*wonders how the heck he'll be able to go to such a thing with parents and wall :/*
"Hey dad, can I go to an over night party based on mostly occult related things and practices?" hehe

Well, that quite depends - the major question is, what DO your parents approve of? For example, you could tell them, quite truthfully, that you're going to watch B-movies, do some gaming, have dinner, meet people, maybe go to a dance. Of course, it's also possible your parents hate ALL of those things, in which case you should run away from home. :)

"Worshipped by biscuits everywhere."
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Postby Draconic Feathers » Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:43 pm

When you put it that way...my parents would most likely encourage me to go lol. Hm...all that leaves is who to go with...*wishes he had a car*
Draconic Feathers

Postby GodOfBiscuits » Sat Mar 06, 2004 12:12 am

Draconic Feathers wrote:When you put it that way...my parents would most likely encourage me to go lol. Hm...all that leaves is who to go with...*wishes he had a car*

Now, rides...rides are easy for me to arrange. :) Email me?
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Postby Spartan » Sat Mar 06, 2004 10:48 am

*asks around for a plane ticket*
Why does everything have to be somewhere in america..... *shrugs*
Maybe i'm going to live there when i'm a little older, woulden't that be a good idea? :P
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Postby MageMindy @ Work » Mon Mar 22, 2004 3:28 pm

What time are things getting started this weekend?
My boss told me I'd have the day off and now she may not give it to me.

*mumbles* and i'm too sick to eat her soul... oh well.

MageMindy @ Work

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